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Saves the Day / Under the boards
Dillinger Escape Plan / Ire Works
Dustin Kensrue / Please Come Home
Modest Mouse / We Were Dead Before The Ship Even Sank
Shadows Fall / Threads of Life
Straylight Run / The Needles The Space
Paramore / Riot!
Chiodos / Bone Palace Ballet
Foo Fighters / The Pretender

10. Jimmy Eat World / Chase The Light
9. Bruce Springsteen / Magic
8. Bright Eyes / Cassadaga
7. Darkest Hour / Deliver Us
6. Angels & Airwaves / I-Empire
5. Between The Buried and Me / Colors
A full out meta opera. 1 song split into 8 parts with elements of jazz and old western sounds among other elements mixed in with big metal guitars, furious drumming and heart stopping screams.
4. Four Year Strong / Rise or Die Trying
Take the aggresiveness of Fall Out Boy's "take this to your grave" throw in the synth driven madness of motion city soundtracks "I am the movie" add some hardcore riffs, some of the catchiest hooks of the year and inject it with speed and you have the most energetic album of the year
3. Every Time I Die / The Big Dirty
Combine the hardcore madness of "Hot Damn" and the southern rock influence of Gutter Phenomenon, add plenty of that Keith Buckley sass and Andy Williams' sweet guitar riffs and you have The Big Dirty.
2. Thrice / The Alchemy Index Volume I & II Fire and Water
A monumental step towards legendary status the first part of a four disc concept record incorporating all the earthly elements with the sound that best reflects them. With the fire disc thrice has created some of the heaviest material they have ever created with soaring guitar work deep bass lines and a heavy orcehestral feel combined with Kensrues Chilling yells provides Thrice fans a a familiar sound. The water disc provides the listener with a more electronic and very keyboard heavy album with minimal guitar work and a greater vocal range by Kensrue. This disc also provides some of the strongest lyrical content Thrice has ever written. It is a mesmerizing listening experience that makes me even more excited for what volume III and IV have in store.
1. Say Anything / ...In Defense of the Genre
Max Bemis has truly out done himself this time with a brilliant double disc concept record that acts as aa sequel to "Is a Real Boy..." The record chronicles the last couple years in Bemis' life which has been full of ups and downs. From his battle with Bipolar Disorder, finally finding love and speaking out in defense of the "scene". The album provides a wide variety of listening experiences from the familiar rock sound (people like you are why people like me exist), acoustic ballads (An insult to the dead), hip hop flavoured(no soul) and even big band (that is why) just to describe a few. The album once again that there are few lyricists as good as bemis who really gives you an intimate look into his fucked up mind. Overall though the album does have strong messages that anyone can take with them. Sometimes life deals you a shit hand at times but sooner or later something good comes along and the people you love are willing to stick their neck out and help you, you just have to be man (or woman) enough to admit your problems and ask.