Remembering Playday
written by: suj
I don't know about you, but back in my days of elementary school we had something called "playday". Essentially it was day, in the latter half of the year, devoted to just having fun. It involved wacky games and ended with a nice freeze-e treat. The reason why I’m recalling this event was that at one particular “playday”, which I believe was during either the 4th or 5th grade, I saw my very first pair of boobs.
I was little young lad who wasn't really feeling too well, perhaps it was thanks to all the ninja turtle cookies that came out of my ass, shaped like little green nuggets, at lunch time. So during this one event where we had to take a baseball bat, run circles around it, then run to the back of the line, but thanks to the running in circles you were all dizzy and that made you run funny which makes everyone laugh. So, anyway when it came time for me to take part I started to bitch and moan about not feeling good (because of said ninja turtle cookies) and I even went as far as to turn on some of the water works. This outburst lead to our pre-teen 8th grade female group leader, whom was developing very fast and thanks to her being a little on the cubby side made it all that good cause it just made the boobs that much bigger.
Upon my tearing up this girl came up to me and bent over where the neck of her t-shirt dragged down (and thanks to her not wearing a bra) I was able to sneak a glance at the holiest part of the female body, the breast. They were big and round and as I stared for about 30 seconds she talked shit to make me feel better, but of course I was already feeling better if you get my drift. So, when I started to calm down she gave me a hug where my face fell upon her delightful puppies and it felt like was whist away to paradise as these two cloud-like pillows sandwiched my little face.
At this time I would just like to thank that girl whoever you are for being the first pair of breast I ever laid my face against. And that my friends is remembering “playday.”