The following is a collection of an on-going segment that is originally featured in my blog.
Thursday, July 21, 1998
While over at a friends house, Mandy accidentally walks in on her friends father relieving some tension to the Neve Campbell/Denise Richards "wild things" scene on DVD. Mandy quickly turns the other way while the father is heard saying something to the effect of "Janice’s mom doesn’t do it for me anymore." – note: Mandy is no-longer friends with Janice and Janice's father own's several DVD copies of "a walk to remember".December 7, 1997
Mandy gets her first period and is embarrassed when her mother accidentally reveals the news aloud at the family dinner table which made eating a medium-rare stake very uneasy for the men of the Moore household.June 11, 1989
At a family gathering Mandy eats several watermelon seeds, then her teenage cousin Sarah tells her that "a watermelon will now grow inside her." Worried, Mandy rushes to her mother and asks if indeed "a watermelon will grow inside her." her mother then gives a smile and says jokingly "yes dear a watermelon will grow inside you, so you better drink alot of water to let it grow". Mandy then runs off yelling at the top of her lungs "help!, help!, there's a watermelon growing inside of me!"May 29, 1995
Mandy's request to paint her room fluorescent green is denied, but her request to wear fluorescent green from head to toe is accepted.May 13, 1990
fter spending 5 minutes in the corner due to her not willing to eat her vegetables, Mandy looks to her mother and says "there's a new sheriff in town, and her name's Mandy." She then proceeds to the cookie jar, steals four cookies and runs to her room._____________
everything above is of complete fiction.