Notable Quips:
Bob Saget
“Woody Woodchuck is going to get Woody fuckedup!”
“I’m going to beat you like America’s Funniest Home Videos beat America’s Funniest People back in the early 90s.”
“Come on Coulier, you fight like Comet the dog and the thing is he’s dead.”
“I’m going to beat you like America’s Funniest Home Videos beat America’s Funniest People back in the early 90s.”
“Come on Coulier, you fight like Comet the dog and the thing is he’s dead.”
Dave Coulier
“I’m going to cut-you-up” accompanied with the classic Joey Gladstone hand motion
“You know what Saget? I’ve been meaning to tell you this; I fucked Dj up the ass.”
With Bullwinkle horns and voice in place, “I’m going to run right over you, isn’t that right Rocky!”
THE FIGHT___________________________________
Saget starts off with an onslaught of furious rights and lefts, but Coulier takes the pain and retaliates with a nasty kick to the groin. While Saget is on the ground reeling from that low blow, Coulier begins to mock the Sags with various impressions of 80s cartoon characters. Upon Coulier finishing up a less than stellar impression of Underdog, Saget from behind tosses Coulier onto a wooden table (it doesn’t break) He then grabs a nearby steel chair and crashes it right into Coulier’s skull. The Sags then arm drags Coulier down to the ground and puts him into an unorthodox arm bar which the Sags proclaims it to be called the “Wake Up, San Francisco”. The hold last for a couple of minutes, that is until Coulier musters up his reserves and with his free hand pokes Saget in the eyes ‘Three Stooges’ style. Saget let goes of the hold and stammers about. Coulier still weakened from the hold and the pervious hits to the head charges right into the Sags in a spear like motion and follows that with a berserker barrage of deadly fist of fury. With blood pouring from Coulier’s forehead he looks like a complete madman very unlike the character he played on “Full house.” Coulier soon gets tired and falls to the side. They both lay motionless on the ground. Saget’s the first to show some movement though very little. Coulier sees this and slowly begins to get up. But surprisingly Saget is the first on his feet and takes something out of his pocket – It’s a bar of soap. Saget winds up and plunges the bar right into Coulier’s mouth and says with glee “I’m very much like Danny Tanner, I like to ‘clean’ house.” Soon after Coulier gives him a few stiff chops to the chest, then goes for the legs and is able to lock down a one-leg crab. Saget screams in agony. Coulier gives off a fiendish Popeye the sailor man laugh. He let goes of the hold and makes way the nearby table and climbs it. He looks down at the battered and bruised Saget, he then jumps off the table and throws down one mean looking elbow. But Coulier ain’t done yet as he once again climbs the table throws down another mean looking elbow. Thinking that 3 is a better number than 2, Coulier tries for another one of those mean looking elbows, but this time Saget slips away and Coulier crashes to the ground. It looks like he broke his elbow. Saget capitalizes on this and gets that arm into the “Wake Up, San Francisco.” And in moments Coulier taps out.WINNER:
Bob Saget